Meetings & Events
Stamford CT Branch Meeting
April 12th 2025 1PM to 5PM
Pellicci ‘s Restaurant
96 Stillwater AVE
Stamford, CT 06902
Westchester Branch Meeting
April 19th 2025 1:30PM to 4:30PM.
Brazen Fox
175 Mamaroneck AVE
White Plains, NY 10601
Only log on to USPS LiteBlue by typing… (For POSTAL EASE, Employee Deals, etc. Postal Benefits)
Do NOT search using Google, you may be directed to a 3rd party site.
(1-888-EMERGNC)PostalEASE 1-877-477-3273
HRSSC 1-877-477-3272, option 5
HRSSC (TDD/TTY) 1-866-260-7507LiteBlue
Members only:
Local 300 OWCPRepresentative
Ray Bermudez-Vice President
Call for an appointment or email: raybermudez@hotmail.comAssistance with completion of retirement application:
Ray Bermudez-Vice President
212-431-0040; by appointment only.
“NPMHU Local 300” Members Only Smartphone APP
Local 300 is proud to have completed a smartphone application, only for the members of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 300. We are the first NPMHU Local Union in the nation that has developed a smartphone app for its members. The app is available for download to all Local 300 Members via the Google App store, or the Apple App store “NPMHU Local 300”
The process for the app download is as follows:
1. Download the app via your iPhone or Android device.
2. Signup as a new user to the app. (Complete all fields)
3. You will first be sent an automatic ‘verification code’ to your email
4. After you enter the code into the app you will be sent an email advising you that have been approved, but pending membership verification.
Be aware that you will not have automatic access to the app until we verify that you are a member of Local 300.
5. After the verification of your membership, you will receive a final email message indicating that you are approved. Log in, enter your password and start using the app.
If you are having technical issues, email