Marcenia Yvette Johnson
Marcenia Yvette Johnson started as a Mail Handler in 1992. She was certified as the Chief Steward in the Brooklyn Branch in 1996. Sister Johnson ran unopposed and was elected to the position of the Brooklyn Branch President in 2008 and 2011. Sister Johnson was elected again to that position in 2014. Yvette has held various positions and performed numerous functions within the Union during her career. Yvette joined the Executive Board as New York State Representative in 2010 and was elected to the position in 2011. In November of 2016, Yvette was appointed to the position of Vice President for Local 300 and then ran unopposed for the position in 2017 & 2020. Yvette was elected to serve as a delegate to the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 NPMHU Convention. At the 2016 NPMHU, Yvette was selected as the Chair for the Election Committee. Yvette was also recently appointed as a member of the NPMHU’s first Women’s Committee. Yvette was elected to the Presidency of the Local in 2023, and is the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT of Local 300.
Wilfredo Delgado
Wilfredo Delgado has been a Mail Handler since 1981. He first became a Steward in the NYC Branch in 1993 and has held various positions and performed numerous functions in the Union during his career. Wilfredo also served as a Judge of Election in several Local 300 elections. Brother Delgado was elected as NYC Branch President in 2005, 2008, 2011, & 2014. Wilfredo joined Local 300’s Executive Board when he was appointed as Local 300’s Treasurer in May of 2015, and has been unopposed in 2017, 2020, and 2023.
Raymond Bermudez
Vice President
Ray has been a mail handler since 1982 at DVD P&DC. He has been a shop steward since 1995. Branch President at DVD P&DC since 2005. Ray is currently the OWCP representative for Local 300. He is editor of the Local 300 newsletter and web page. He is an arbitration advocate. Ray has represented the members of our union as a delegate at the 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 National NPMHU conventions as well as a delegate to the 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021 LiUNA conventions. Ray was elected to Vice President in 2023.
Lucy Lombardo
Recording Secretary
Lucy Lombardo started as a Mail Handler in 1996. She was certified as a Shop Steward in the ISC/JFK Branch in 2003 and Chief Steward in 2010. Sister Lombardo ran unopposed and was elected to the position of the ISC-JFK Branch President in 2014, 2017 and 2020. Lucy has held various positions and performed numerous functions within the Union such as a member of the Safety and Health Committee, LMOU negotiations, Chairwoman of the Women’s Caucus, editor of the Women’s Caucus newsletters and arbitration advocate. Sister Lombardo was appointed to the Executive Board as New York State Representative in September of 2019, also unopposed in 2020. Lucy was elected to serve as a delegate to the 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 NPMHU Convention and elected to serve as a delegate to the 2011, 2016, 2021 LIUNA Convention. Lucy was elected as recording secretary in 2023.
Tommy Russo
New Jersey State
Executive Board Member
Malik J Sheppard
New York State
Executive Board Member

James Smith
Connecticut State
Executive Board Member
James Smith began his career as a mail handler in 1993. He has proudly represented the Mail Handler craft as a shop steward in Stamford CT. In 2022, Brother Smith was appointed to the position of CT State Executive Board Member. He has also represented Local 300 as a Delegate for the 2020(22) NPMHU Convention. James has also served as Branch President of the Stamford CT Branch since elected in 2017 and was unopposed in 2020. James was again elected unopposed in 2023.